Cat oxygen chamber:Hyperbaric O2 Animal Chamber‎ for O2Pod Ringo

O2Pod Ringo Cat oxygen chamber:Hyperbaric O2 Animal Chamber‎

Indications for the use of oxygen therapy in animals With severe blood pain, cortisol (stress hormone) levels increase, which requires increased oxygen consumption. Therefore, oxygenation is an important part of recovery from serious injuries and is used in the following situations

  • Indications for the use of oxygen therapy on animals
  • Animal oxygen chamber-working principle
  • DIY animal oxygen cabin
  • Animal oxygen chamber-working principle

Indications for the use of oxygen therapy on animals

  • Postoperative recovery.
  • Complications after delivery.
  • Massive blood loss, abnormal circulatory system, shock, cerebral hypoxia.
  • Acute and chronic respiratory problems: shortness of breath, pulmonary edema, pneumonia, bronchial asthma.
  • Damage the brain and spinal cord.
  • Digestive system function and excretion difficulties.
  • Heat dissipation and heatstroke prevention.
  • Slow down the aging process.
  • Enhance systemic immunity and prevent various diseases.

There are no contraindications to oxygen therapy in animals. Oxygenation is a painless process, which is very important.

Animal oxygen chamber-working principle

When oxygenating people, masks are often used-reasonably priced and simple. But they are not suitable for all pets. Animals-especially in a shocked, painful environment-refuse to wear masks. It is not suitable for mice, hamsters, parrots and other small animals. The oxygen chamber is suitable for any animal. The operating principle is simple. Place the animal in a chamber that supplies oxygen through an oxygen tube and emit carbon dioxide through a special opening

This room for oxygenation of animals is used in veterinary clinics. You can buy it at home, or you can choose to buy more cylinders

DIY animal oxygen cabin

If there is no veterinary clinic nearby to provide the necessary services, you can make your own equipment. For this, you will need:

  • A transparent plastic container with a tight lid, the size of which allows the animal to accommodate it comfortably;
  • Fittings of appropriate diameter, it will connect the container and the tube;
  • Oxygen source (bottle or concentrator you can buy in pharmacy-buy industrial oxygen bottle, make it yourself)

Animal oxygen chamber-working principle

The most difficult thing is to make a device capable of producing, concentrating and delivering valuable gas. It is very simple to buy an oxygen bottle in a pharmacy, but it is far inconvenient to manually press the cap frequently and frequently. For this, you must always be close to the camera. You can do it yourself. To do this, you need to carry out a chemical reaction, and as a result, the necessary gas will be released.

Method 1-Simple, but not long. You will need potassium permanganate powder and hydrogen peroxide tablets. Pour half of the water in a large glass jar to dissolve potassium permanganate and add tablets-after which, oxygen will begin to evolve. Only when the permanganate is dissolved, this generator can work for a long time, and then you must repeat the process.

Method 2-Higher efficiency, but more complex and dangerous, requires an understanding of the electrolysis process. You will need diodes, energy sources, rubber or silicone tubes, glass containers, and soda solution-all of which must be collected correctly. As a result of electrolysis, oxygen will be released and must be removed from the tube into the chamber. It is easier to make oxygen chambers for small animals such as rodents and birds. You can do it with a medicine bottle. Pets must be placed under the lid of the microwave oven and have a hole. Pass the tube from the cylinder through this hole to let a little oxygen. If you don’t have a hat, you can bring a durable transparent plastic bag, put your pet here and supply air through the slot. In such self-made equipment, oxygenation can only be done by a short distance, but this is enough for a small animal.

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